by Amanda | Dec 18, 2021 | Bath Bombs, Bubble Bars, Solid Bubble Bath, Winter Holiday, Wonder Bar
Robyn and I (Amanda) wanted to create a simple but elegant bath bomb cupcake, perfect for the Holiday Season! The fun thing about this project is that you can modify the colors in any way to create your own cupcakes for any occasion. If you’re new to making bath...
by Amanda | Nov 18, 2021 | Bath Bombs, Bubble Bars, Fall Holiday, Solid Bubble Bath, Winter Holiday, Wonder Bar
These chocolate mousse bath bombs were easy and fun to make! They ended up looking so cute! I think the cup really made them. You can find lots of different parfait cups from your local craft store or from Party City! Here is a rundown of the different components that...
by Amanda | Nov 11, 2021 | Bath Bombs, Bubble Bars, Fall Holiday, Solid Bubble Bath, Winter Holiday, Wonder Bar
We’re featuring fun Fall drinks on the blog this week! Be sure to check out the Eggnog Bath Bombs and Pumpkin Spice Lattes! Our last one is a Mulled Wine! This one happened a bit by accident. Robyn and I were set on making a gingerbread themed drink. To avoid an...
by Amanda | Nov 9, 2021 | Bath Bombs, Bubble Bars, Solid Bubble Bath, Winter Holiday, Wonder Bar
We’re diving into fall and Holiday projects here on the blog and for our first project…we’re making eggnog bath bombs with bubble frosting! I have a confession to make. I (Amanda) HATE eggnog…most people either love it or hate it! But what I...
by Amanda | Oct 28, 2021 | Bath Bombs, Bubble Bars, Cosmetic Sprinkles, Halloween, Solid Bubble Bath, Wonder Bar
Robyn and I (Amanda) had a ton of fun creating these spooky Halloween projects using both Wonder Bar (bubble bar) and Robyn’s Humid Weather Bath Bomb Recipe! We hope you enjoy! Orange and Black Bubble Bar Wands for Halloween (Wonder Bar Bubble Bar) Purple and...
by Amanda | Oct 27, 2021 | Bath Bombs, Bubble Bars, Halloween, Solid Bubble Bath, Wonder Bar
Have you seen the water activated light cubes that people are putting in bath bombs? Robyn and I had to give it a try. And what better project than pumpkins! We found these water activated light cubes at Party City! They have sensors. Once the sensors get wet, they...