The FREE Facebook community, Bath Fizz and Foam is a place to come together to talk soap, share recipes, share pictures and just generally support each other on our soap making journey.
We are driven to maintain the supportive environment that we have created which is why these rules are so important. Because of the large amount of members and posts, we are very strict with sticking to our rules and guidelines. Be sure to read them carefully and completely. We do not give notice for deleting and removing members who break the rules.
Key people for this Group:
- Amanda Aaron – Creator of this group.
- Stephenie Bryant Simmonds – Group Moderator
By being a part of this community, you agree to the rules and guidelines below.
1 – No Self Promo. Here are some examples of what might be considered self-promo.
- Posting a link to your website.
- Promoting your products, YouTube or other sites.
- Promoting your business Facebook Page.
- Tagging your business.
- Posting affiliate links (this will get you banned).
- Selling webinars, products, eBooks, eCourses…etc.
- Promoting other Facebook Groups.
- Promoting design, website or other services.
2 – Soap Bloggers, YouTubers, Suppliers and eBook Authors.
Posting opportunities for those that create resources and sell supplies for bath bomb/bubble bar makers are available every Saturday under the thread Show Me Your Supplies Saturday. Otherwise, these self-promotional posts will be deleted.
I (Amanda Aaron) do post links to our resources throughout the week. That’s partly why I created the group!
3 – No Facebook Lives
We do allow videos to be posted, but do not allow Facebook Lives.
4 – No Solicitation or Requesting People to PM (Private Message) You
If you post and solicit PM’s, we’ll delete your post and ban you. We’ve had some really weird and uncomfortable situations with members getting PM’s from others that they don’t even know. We want everyone to feel safe and secure in our group.
4b – No buying or selling. Don’t list supplies or finished product for sell. Don’t post asking to buy product. It will be deleted.
4c – No personal posts asking for prayers, thoughts…etc. Our group has over 20,000 members and if everyone posted their personal struggles asking for support, our group would run off topic quite often.
4d – No fundraising posts or sharing crowd-funding websites.
5 – Be polite and respectful.
Respect other people’s feelings, privacy and rights to their work.
If someone posts a beautiful soap, please don’t immediately ask them for their recipe. That is just rude.
If you don’t agree with a post or if a post is not aligned with your beliefs, simply keep scrolling. No arguments. Back and forth banter that isn’t constructive will be deleted.
Please do not post “disturbing” images (such as the bloody orangutan picture that gets cycled through soap groups often). Some of our members suffer from depression and PTSD and do not need to see that imagery.
If you want to post an X-rated image (for example, penis bath bomb) post the image in the comments section of your post. Simply state that the image is in comments. Some people don’t want to see that.
If someone rubs you the wrong way but isn’t quite outside of the guidelines or rules, simply block them so you don’t see their posts.
6 – No rants.
Please post rants on your own page and not in this group. Don’t rant about suppliers, other makers…etc. It isn’t helpful or constructive. Don’t call out a maker for labeling their products wrong; start a thread about the correct way to label. Don’t rant about a supplier’s shipping rates; post about your favorite supplier and what they specifically did to make you a happy customer. Rants will be deleted.
6a – No bashing of suppliers. If a supplier did you wrong, please take it up with them or post on their Facebook page. It isn’t fair in the instances where the supplier didn’t do anything wrong and isn’t given a chance to share their side of the story.
6b – No bashing other makers. Please do not post pictures of other maker’s products and rant about labeling or what they’re doing wrong. They might be a member of our group. Instead, maybe start a conversation about how to label properly.
7 – Be helpful.
Start threads, post pictures, share ideas, answer questions…etc.
Please do not ever tell someone to do their research before asking questions. This is a group to ask questions in.
How to Get the Most Out of This Group
1 – After joining, introduce yourself! Let us know about your DIY journey. What is your favorite product to make?
2 – If you have a question, do a search first. Be sure to use “” for exact phrases. For example “crumbly bath bomb” will give you results for that exact phrase. Don’t see what you’re looking for? Ask away! We’ll be glad to help.
3 – Reporting posts. If you see a post that goes against our rules, please hit Report to Admin. Do not select Report Post or we don’t see it. This puts it in a cue for us to moderate as needed.
4 – If you receive unsolicited private messages or solicitations from members in the group, report to an admin so that we can take action and remove them if needed.